

Come TEST-DRIVE the 4-AXIS AUTOPILOT designed for the AS350/H125 helicopters

StandardAero and Thales invite you to Experience the future of Flight Safety and Performance of the first TRUE Autopilot for this aircraft at VAI Heli-Expo 2025 taking place March 11-13, in Dallas, Texas!

We’re excited for your interest to take part in this unique opportunity. Please fill out the form below, and our team will reach out to you with scheduling information.

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Do you have experience as an AS350/H125 pilot?


Demo flights are subject to availability and may be cancelled without notice due to weather and other exceptional circumstances. All passengers will be required to sign a flight declaration form in advance, and abide by flight safety standards outlined on the day. Standard Aero and Thales reserve the right prioritize demo flights for business reasons, and may decline requests for flights without explanation. Flights are operated by Thales. Passengers should plan 1hr duration from arrival to departure, and each flight will last around 20 mins.


How an AS350/H125  TRUE AutoPilot helps pilots focus on their mission

StableLight™: The TRUE AutoPilot retrofit that helps AS350/H125 operators get the job done faster and safer!

In this video series, the StableLight™ development team provides valuable insight into the unique capabilities, features, and 4-axis technology that only a transport category AutoPilot can bring to your AS350/H125 aircraft operations.

Enter the new era of safety and performance for light helicopters. Lift-off!

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