November 28, 2006 – ACROHELIPRO Global Services Inc., a subsidiary of Vector Aerospace Corporation is pleased to announce the appointment of Gary Leskiw as Vice President – Commercial, effective immediately. Leskiw is responsible for the management of all commercial and customer contractual obligations of ACROHELIPRO, while also directing contractual activities with the company’s various governmental clients.
“I am extremely enthusiastic in announcing Gary’s promotion from Director-Commercial and Contracts to Vice President-Commercial,” affirms Peter Tierney, ACROHELIPRO President and CEO. “Gary is a highly-valued member of our leadership team. He brings a wealth of experience from a number of operational perspectives including contracts, customer support and logistics, as well in-depth knowledge in many of our core functions such as maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft structures and components.”
Tierney continues, explaining that Leskiw’s 25 years in increasingly senior roles within ACROHELIPRO has earned him the respect at all levels within the company, and that his passion and achievements in areas of customer service and team-building are beneficial to the company’s continued success and strategic growth.
In addition to a quarter-century of progressive experience in the field of aviation, Leskiw’s academic endeavours include studies in operations management, industrial engineering, business administration and accounting, sciences and computer programming. Leskiw holds a Diploma in Technology from the British Columbia Institute of Technology, and a Management Skills and Advanced Technology diploma from Simon Fraser University.